23° simposio scultura

23rd edition of the International Symposium on Stone Sculpture FVG

2020 Friuli Venezia Giulia

In a world that is increasingly technocratic, digitalized and spiritually obliterated as a result of forgetting or rather trying to kill Nature in order to extract short-term profit, a growing group of artists is seeking to redefine their social role in order to return to harmony with the natural components that still surround us.

In this symposium, Beatrice, too, is following in this tradition by sculpting an oak leaf, such as those that have given her the shadow, she needed during these two sunny weeks.

She carefully observes the leaves, the trunks, the density of the forest and transfers some of the intrinsic magic of what she has seen and explored with an artist’s eye. She is well on her journey with this new group of artists who made their first significant public release in England in 2013: “The Arborealist.”

Her leaf here in the Park is the delightful result of the effort made in organizing this 23rd Sculpture Symposium in Vergnacco.

Prof. Bruno D’Udine

23° simposio scultura

Carnic peach blossom
cm. 170x80x80
Sculpture park Reana del Rojale (UD)