PONDERA VERBORUM 5 notebook of arts and cultures
a project by Alessandro Chiodo
SPECIAL Giuseppe Agnello
Beatrice Taponecco and her sculptures
by Alessandro Chiodo

Presentation of Beatrice Taponecco’s work
Polo delle Arti San Martino
11th of June 2021
Piergiorgio Balocchi and Massimo Bertozzi

Introduction by Pier Giorgio Balocchi
Presentation by Massimo Bertozzi


COMBAT PRIZE publication of the work “Self Portrait” in the catalogue Combat Prize 2020

“DE AQUA ET TERRA” finalist in the sculpture competition promoted Ferrara Plain Drainage Consortium.

CORTI MILANO 1st PRIZE in the competition promoted by Cittamoderna real estate boutique and Brera Academy of Fine Arts, for the creation of a work of art to be located in the courtyard of the building in via Manzoni, 38 Milan, in the Milan fashion district.
Jury members: Prof. Stefano Pizzi and Prof. Roberto Priod of the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, Dr. Annalaura di Luggo and the architect Paolo Asti.


ITALIAN STREGA PRIZE 1st Prize in the Competition of Ideas promoted by the Bellonci Foundation and BPER Bank for a work recognized for the five finalists in the Strega Prize
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UNESCO PRIZE Carrara Città Creativa V edition, finalist at the Competition FICLU International Forum of young sculptors of the marble of Carrara

SERGIO DATI PRIZE – Carrara Giorni d’Arte 1°PREMIO

INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION ROUTES OF SCULPTURE 1st PRIZE promoted by the “ElettoArtTour” Association and sponsored by “Studi d’Arte Cave Michelangelo (Art studies Michelangelo caves)” for a sculpture for the internal courtyard of the San Jacopo Hospital in Pistoia.
In the jury: Prof. Giovanna Uzzani, curator of the competition; Giovanna Giusti, former head of the ‘900 sector of the Uffizi Gallery; Andrea Aleardi, Director of the Michelucci Foundation; Simone Guaita, Director of the “Il Bisonte” Foundation; the managers of the Hospital of Pistoia and PHD Emanuele Greco, members of the jury, guests of the Gori family at Villa Celle, Pistoia.
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COMPETITION OF IDEAS promoted by the Italian Alpine Club and the Academy of Fine Arts of Carrara, 1st PRIZE and creation of the “fountain for the rediscovered staircase” dedicated to the quarrymen and to the precious good of water, project financed by the Carrara Savings Bank Foundation and sponsored by the Carrara dei Marmi UNESCO Club.